Clutch the Boxer moved to the starring role on my blog. And the cloth itself grew new parts as I explored Jude's concept of lateral movement, AKA "banding." (The distortion is me being too lazy to take down everything on the design wall so I could photograph it properly.)
I was happy last night after stitching the red squares (who could not be happy stitching in scarlet?) but this morning, I felt a nagging dissatisfaction. Or more like the absence of satisfaction you get when the creation is In Its Right Place.
Now, Jude's current workshop "The What If Diaries" has been focusing for the past month on White. I haven't. But something valuable snuck past the Color Guard anyway. Because I picked up the cloth and said, "What if...." I love the banding...I love Clutch. I don't love them together. So what if the banding stood on its own?
What if it stood on its own
And what if Clutch became a new cloth?
Or he just gets a whole fresh start in life?
Why not just jump into this "what if?" Because it means the finality of this (cue music to Jaws):
We've talked a lot over at Spirit Cloth Plus about letting ideas take their own shape, about cloth morphing from one place to the next. The stitchers over there are fearless and fierce in doing what it takes to make a piece right. But boy, is it ever scary for me. Not scary like snakes, but scary like the first minute you look down from the high diving platform. As in I really really want to do this, but I can't seem to get my toes uncurled from the edge. In the hours since I thought the first "what if, " I grow more excited with the possibility of the new cloth(s) and less attached to the present. And I am REALLY excited about just arriving at this place where I want my work to become what it wants to be.
So, I am probably going to jump but I need to look down a bit more, ok? I think I will post over at the What If Forum and let all my coaches over there give me a pep talk.